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Educational Goal

      The purpose of General education is to enable students to achieve both professional education and general education through balanced development. Through the integration of the Commission of General education and the concerted efforts of all units of the university, including the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of Student Affairs, the faculties, College education (......), students are encouraged to work together to realize the ideal of whole-person education. Under the dual tracks of college and university education, teachers are both teachers of scripture and teachers of human beings, and liberal arts education is an important bridge between these two types of education, demonstrating the importance of general education at FGU.

      Fo Guang University has led the development of humanities and social fields in Yilan, and has nurtured many social pillars and elites. In order to enable the balanced development of the two main axes of the college and the school, General education has also kept pace with the changes of the society, and has been actively working on language proficiency, general education, and the practice of modern residential college education under the premise of the curriculum structure, and has been scrutinized through the relevant systems, and students are encouraged to integrate General education into the nourishment for the realization of the goals and objectives of the university. We also encourage students to integrate general education with their own majors and to realize the ideal of the school's founding mission - to cultivate students who are knowledgeable and well-mannered and who have “character, quality, and integrity”.