楊庭峰 Yong Ting Feng
Name 楊庭峰 Yong Ting Feng
Office Tel No. 12605
負責業務 1. Departmental language proficiency courses 2. General education micro-credit course application and certification 3. TOEFL and TOEIC classes 4. Internal and external language assessment and award application 5. Freshman English assessment test 6. Higher Education Sprout Projects: expanding the “General education” scene experience , experiential courses on the campus environment, and revamping the value-added revitalization of the language 7. Various activities to enhance language proficiency 8. Maintenance of Situation classroom 9. Maintenance of the website of the Commission
職稱 Project Assistant
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
佛光大學 應用經濟學系 學士 學士 2019.09 ~ 2023.05
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
專任 通識教育委員會 專案助理 2023.09 ~ Up to today